Logo History

KYARCHITECTS logo design is the process of iconography, the combination between two icon that really important to representative the concept of creation we build since we start the company.


KAYON logo is the one of important thing on brief history of ancient local wisdom on BALI, shadow puppet. The KAYON is the symbol of the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending. it always appear on the beginning and the ending of the shadow puppet story. Kayon is the symbol of the palace, the sanctuary, and the home for human, every human life.
KAYON is the tree of life and creation.

SQUARE logo is the shape of balancing, the simetric form to bring the peace from outside to indisde, we choose the square to be the symbol of environment we live in it, the surrounding things, the living, and natural force. The magnificant interactions among human, plans, animals, soil, water, temperature, light, and the other living & non-living things.

KYARCHITECTS logo indicated the mision and vision of KYARCHITECTS perspective to contribute in creating better environment that enchance human activities.

mock-1 MOCK-2 MOCK-3 MOCK-4 MOCK-5 MOCK-6

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